Diaper Bag Checklist for Twins

Diaper Bag Checklist for Twins

Packing a diaper bag is exciting because, if packed with all the necessary items, it can be your gateway to stress free outings.


When packing a diaper bag for twins, the important thing is to consider all the extras of each item that you will need. You also need to consider if the twins can share items or if you need to carry different items for each baby, such as different types of clothes, different diaper sizes, or even different toys if they each have a favorite.


To help make sure that you’re fully prepared, we have put together this comprehensive checklist covering everything you are likely to need when you are out and about with your little ones.


Newborn/Infant diaper bag essentials

  • Change of clothes: Each baby will typically need one to two outfits with socks or booties. Prepare a couple of extra sets for longer trips. Onesies or body suits are a good choice since they are compact. Another option is to carry several bottoms, with a couple of tops.
  • Diapers: Plan to carry about 1 to 2 diapers for every two hours that you plan to be out of the house, for each baby.
  • Wipes: A regular pack of wipes should suffice for a short trip out of the house. For longer trips, consider packing extra wipes depending on the length of the trip.
  • Diaper rash cream: Take into consideration the type of rash cream you are using and if you will need to carry one for each baby. A good option is to have small travel size rash creams for your diaper bag, and larger ones for when at home.
  • Portable changing pad: Take into consideration if you plan to use the same changing pad for both babies, and clean it in between diaper changes, or if you will want to carry one for each little one. Typically, diaper bags will come with reusable changing pads, but you can also choose to purchase a separate one, or to use disposable changing pads, if necessary.
  • Wet bag or plastic bag for soiled diapers/clothes: Having a waterproof bag for soiled clothes or diapers can help ensure you keep any little messes contained.
  • Burp cloths or bibs: Plan to carry a couple of burb cloths or bibs for each baby depending of the length of the trip. These can also be handy for cleaning up small messes during feedings.
  • Pacifier: If the little ones use pacifiers, plan to carry one for each baby, with extras in case they get dirty or fall down.
  • Pacifier clip: If you plan on using pacifier clips, each baby would likely need one. Pacifier clips can be handy to help avoid losing a pacifier. Another option is to carry pacifier covers or pacifier containers, which can sometimes be clipped on to the diaper bag, and can also help keep pacifiers clean.
  • Baby bottles and breastmilk or formula: This section may need a little extra planning, especially for longer trips, to make sure you have everything you need to feed your little ones. Consider how often your little ones eat and how much. If bottle feeding, you may need to pack one bottle for each baby for every two hours that you plan to be out of the house. Make sure to pack enough formula or breastmilk for the duration of your trip.
  • Blankets: Depending on the duration and type of trip, you can plan to pack a swaddle blanket or receiving blanket for each baby.
  • Toys: Toys are not always needed, but if you know that your little ones have a favorite toy that helps soothe them or keep them entertained, then it’s a good idea to pack it. This can include rattles, teethers, small electronic toys, or baby books.
  • Nursing Cover: If you plan to nurse, some mother’s find it convenient to pack a nursing cover, which can sometimes even double up as a blanket.


Additional items to pack in a diaper bag for toddlers

  • Snacks: Once the little ones are older, then you can plan to pack some of their favorite snacks, as well. 
  • Sippy cup with water: Once the little ones are older and are at the age where they can drink water, then it’s a good idea to carry a sippy cup with water for each little one to ensure they are always hydrated.
  • Eating utensils: Eating utensils may not always be necessary, but if you plan to be out during a meal time, then it can be a good idea to carry a set for each little one, as restaurants don’t always have utensils for children.


Items to Pack for Yourself 

  • Wallet, keys, cell phone: These are some essentials you shouldn’t plan to leave the house without.
  • Water bottle and snacks: Just as with the little ones, it’s important to keep yourself hydrated and fed. A quick snack can feel like lifesaver when hunger starts to kick in.
  • Hair ties, lip balm, hand lotion, pencil/pen: These are some extra items that can come in handy. 
  • Change of shirt: This may not always be needed, but little messes do happen, so it’s good to be prepared.
  • Toiletries and charger: Just something to consider.


Additional items to consider that are sometimes forgotten to be packed 

  • Hand sanitizer
  • First Aid Kit
  • Thermometer
  • Any necessary medicine
  • Nursing pads
  • Breast pump (manual, automatic)
  • Ice pack
  • Nipple cream
  • Insulated bottle with water for formula
  • Baby wrap or carrier
  • Surface Sanitizing wipes
  • Cleaning wipes (Quick clean breast pump cleaning wipes, pacifier cleaning wipes, baby bottle cleaning wipes, as needed); or, a small container of baby bottle soap in case you need to clean a baby bottle or pacifier on the go


Seasonal items to carry, when needed

  • Sun hats
  • Warm hats / mittens
  • Sunscreen (consult doctor)


Frequently asked questions

What type of diaper bag is best for twins?

Any type of diaper bag can be used with twins; however, backpack type diaper bags can be ideal with twins since they are hands free, can be easy to carry, and can allow for more mobility.

Do you need an extra-large diaper bag with twins?

Since having twins means you may have to carry twice as many diapers, wipes, clothes, bottles, and other items, it may seem like you will need a diaper bag twice as big, as well. This isn’t necessarily the case.

Although some standard diaper bags may not provide sufficient space, some can. The important thing is to look for a diaper bag that utilizes it’s space well. Make sure that there are enough compartments and pockets for all the extra items, and that pockets are spread out well throughout the bag, and that not all items will just fall to the bottom. Finding a well-organized diaper bag can help make sure you don’t add extra bulk to your load and can focus on what matters, which is time with your little ones.

What other features should a diaper bag for twins have?

A diaper bag packed for twins will likely carry more than if packed for only one baby; therefore, it needs to be comfortable to wear and durable. Look for a diaper bag that has padded shoulder straps and is lightweight. Also, look for one that is made of high-quality materials and can withstand your future adventures.

It is also important that you will enjoy wearing it. Twins can attract a lot of attention, and you want to make sure you feel good and feel confidents walking around with your little ones.


Still looking for a diaper bag for your twins?

Take a look at our Swaddle Tote 2-in-1 modular diaper bag. Designed by a mom of twins, we’re sure our diaper bag will have you prepared for all the wonderful adventures to come.

 Visit Swaddle Tote right now to see the difference for yourself!